



Dr. Edgar André Ramírez Alonso

Postdoctoral Fellow
Room: 2306 



Astronomy, University of Sheffield, UK.

Astronomy, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

Physics and Mathematics, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH)


Research Areas:

  • Active Galactic Nuclei

  • Infrared and optical Polarisation



"SOLVEPOL: a reduction pipeline for imaging polarimetry data", Edgar A. Ramírez; Antônio M. Magalhães; James W. Davidson Jr.; Antonio Pereyra; Marcelo Rubinho,  2015, PASP, arXiv:1512.09085.

"Near-infrared polarimetric adaptive optics observations of NGC 1068: a torus created by a hydromagnetic outflow wind ISSN: 1365-2966", Lopez-Rodriguez, E.; Packham, C.; Jones, T. J.; Nikutta,R.; McMaster, L.; Mason, R. E.; Elvis, M.; Shenoy, D.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Ramírez, E. A.; González Martín, O.; Hönig, S. F.; Levenson, N. A.; Ramos Almeida, C.; Perlman, E., 2015, MRAS, 452, 1902.

"Near-infrared Hubble Space Telescope polarimetry of a complete sample of Narrow-Line Radio Galaxies", Ramirez, E. A.; Tadhunter, C. N.; Axon, D.; Batcheldor, D.; Packham, C.; Lopez-Rodriguez, E.; Sparks, W.; Young, S., 2014, MNRAS, 444, 466.

"Hubble Space Telescope and Spitzer point-source detection and optical extinction
in powerful Narrow-Line Radio Galaxies", Ramirez, E. A.; Tadhunter, C. N.; Dicken, D.; Rose, M.; Axon, D.; Sparks, W.; Packham, C., 2014, MNRAS, 439, 1270.

"Polarized mid-infrared synchrotron emission in the core of Cygnus A", Lopez-Rodriguez, E.; Packham, C.; Tadhunter, C.; Mason, R.; Perlman, E.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Ramos Almeida, C.; Ichikawa, K.; Levenson, N. A.; Rodríguez-Espinosa, J. M.; Alvarez, C. A.; Ramírez, E. A.; Telesco, C. M., 2013, ApJ, 793, 81



Last update
22-09-2021 / 12:09 by Liliana Perea Centeno


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