

The Programme

This Programme is in honor of the remarkable Mexican astronomer Guillermo Haro and will take place at INAOE, an institute founded by Haro, where he carried out most of his astronomical research.



Astrophysics is an interdisciplinary science of increasing complexity. Understanding the nature and evolution of astronomical objects and phenomena leads to interrelations between diverse theoretical fields such as high energy physics, nuclear and plasma astrophysics, general relativity, physics of rarefied gases and chaotic dynamic systems, as well as observational techniques spanning the complete electromagnetic spectrum. The study of elementary particles of extremely diverse energies is accomplished by a variety of numerical simulations techniques as a partial substitute to direct experimentation.

Thus, advances in modern astrophysics usually demand interaction amongst researchers of many fields. The collaborations established amongst scientist coming from different fields of astronomy lead to new working procedures enriched by the diversity of ideas from experts with all sorts of astronomical backgrounds. These constitute the basis of any step towards the frontiers of knowledge. Such philosophy can not be alien to the surroundings where it is developed. Experience proves that locations of natural beauty with intense and lively cultural traditions are an incentive towards a wholesome expression in human spirit. The region of Cholula combines its rich cultural tradition with

INAOE's presence, outgrowth of the former Tonantzintla-Tacubaya Astrophysical Observatory which was a cornerstone in the modern history of Mexican Astronomy.

Stimulated by these ideas we propose to create a research programme in advanced astrophysics with the following goals.



  1. To create a working atmosphere that favours research in specific topics of Astrophysics, encouraging collaboration amongst researchers and advanced students.
  2. To promote the development of Astrophysical research at INAOE.



  1. A Panel will be responsible for the setting of the Programme.
  2. The Panel will carry out the Programme objectives through workshops, conferences and postdoctoral fellowships oriented towards high standard current astronomical topics.
  3. The Programme will provide the conditions needed for researchers, students and postdoctoral fellows to meet at INAOE to develop advanced research activities. The Programme will guarantee financial support, computing and library facilities and offices for the efficient work of simultaneous participation of about 20 scientists.
  4. Participants are expected to stay for a period of not less than 3 weeks.


The Panel

  1. The Panel will consist of internationally renowned scientists.
  2. The Panel functions will be to establish the Programme norms, to choose the topics to be developed within the framework of an annual schedule, to nominate the members to a scientific committee responsible for the annual schedule, to evaluate periodically the Programme results, to appoint new members to the Programme and to revise and update the Programme objective and policies.
  3. The Panel will appoint one of its members to act as the Executive Secretary who will carry out the Programme policies. His/her functions are detailed below. The Executive Secretary will be in office for 2 years and will be alternated by the Panel members.
  4. The INAOE Director General will be a Panel member.


The Coordinator

The Coordinator's duties are the following:

  1. To represent the Programme.
  2. To solve the logistic and organisative problems related to the workshops and postdoctoral fellowships.
  3. To guarantee that the Panel agreements are meet.
  4. To organise the Panel meetings.
  5. To present an annual report.


Programme Development

  1. The scientific committee appointed by the Panel will design the programme of each event. The scientific committee will be formed by one or more members, and will be responsible for inviting experts in the chosen subject as well as selecting the participants. The Panel will issue partial evaluations about the workshop development suggesting to the Executive Secretary measures neccesary to guarantee the event's success.
  2. The postdoctoral fellowships will span the interval between two consecutive Programmeevents, never lasting for less than a year. The postdoctoral researchers will participate throughout a complete programme and will be expected to work on the chosen subject.
  3. The programme of each event will include at least one Public Lecture.



Last update
24-09-2021 / 01:09 by Liliana Perea Centeno


Address: Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, Mexico ZIP Code. 72840 Tel: (222) 266.31.00 Contact:

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