

Calibration and Efficiency

The sensitivity curve for the 150 lines/mm grating is calculated based on the observations of standard stars Feige 15 and Feige 34 during December 1999. A slit width of 600 microns (5 arcsec) was used. Blue ([OII] to [SII]) and red ([OI] to [SIII]) spectra were obtained separately at grating angle 2o40' and 4o00' respectively. The combined curve is given below in units of AB magnitude that gives 1 count/s/Å at standard gain (1.85 e-/ADU). The spectra had been corrected for atmospheric extinction using the curve for Kitt Peak and hence the following curve represents sensitivity of the telescope+spectrograph+CCD combination.



Based on the above curve, sensitivities at selected wavelengths are given in the following table. This table also includes the sensitivities obtained by RJT using a 1999 observation of the standard star BD2546. The latter values were not corrected for the atmspheric extinction and hence represent the sensitivities of the telescope+atmosphere+spectrograph+CCD combination. The last column in the table is the typical sky brightness at OAGH in units of AB mag/arcsec2.


AB magnitude that gives 1 count/s/Å at standard gain (1.85 e-/ADU) Sky brightness
Wavelength (Å) AB mag AB mag (RJT)



4000 14.20 14.00  
5000 14.60 14.50 21.2
6000 14.45 14.40 20.7
7000 14.10 13.90 21.1
8000 13.30   19.8
9000 12.40



A complete sensitivity curve for all the gratings available at the telescope will be posted in this page shortly.


Sky Spectrum at OAGH

A typical sky spectrum at OAGH is shown below. This spectrum corresponds to December 1999 observations. Important atmosperic and city lines have been identified.


Last update
24-09-2021 / 01:09 by Liliana Perea Centeno


Address: Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, Mexico ZIP Code. 72840 Tel: (222) 266.31.00 Contact:

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